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Friday, November 30, 2007


Today, Joe and Danny went to "Bubby's" house (Joe's name for Samantha). Grandma Wandler and Aunt Porsche and Mircea met us there and Grandma took pictures of all the "grandchildren." They were all so serious and getting them to all face the same direction was like Steve says, "herding cats!" But we got 'er done. I'm betting Grandma will be up all night "cleaning up" the pictures.


We've finally taken the plunge and started a blog...not nearly as painful a plunge as buying a minivan. Repeat, I am not a soccer mom (yet).

Deciding on a ...no figuring out a name has been the hardest part. Who would have guessed it'd be so difficult. Mr. B came through though and we think we've got the perfect one (for us). Just in time too, cause you so need to see this video.

Don't worry, he got right back on! The best part is that he figured it out himself. Don't know if he actually has seen someone ride a horse before except on Louis L'Amour book covers. The horse/unicorn used to be cousin Victoria's until she gave it to us to keep for little girls to play with. Ride 'Em Cowboy!