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Sunday, January 31, 2010

July 2009 At the Park with Friends!

It isn't summer time unless you spend time at all the great parks in the area! Lucky for us we could join cousins and friends for some great times! These are in no particular order...just a few of the fun times we had with our friends!

Samantha, Alex and Carson!
Madison and Danny
Samantha and Joe
Victoria and Carson
Watch out!
On this particular day....the moon was out too!
Playing in the sand! (Life Jackets from Grandma!)
Love the wet times at Idylwood park!

Grass Lawn park is another favorite!

This swing is the best!
Danny is always making friends! If I remember right, he was told, "the doggy will give you a kiss" and so he leaned right in!
Joe surveying the scene from the top of the castle. This park is just a nice walk from our house.
Danny likes to go FAAAAAAST down the slides!
Farrell McWhirter Park...the kids love seeing the cows.
Victoria taking care of Danny.
Carsen and Joe catching the water at the water park in Bellevue! We definitely did not visit this park enough!

July 2009 Time with Grant and Victoria

After saying our "goodbyes" to W & A and crew we headed back to the car....kinda...just a short and wet side stop. :)
At the fountain! (again...I am the photographer.)
A Seattle Past time...can you touch the fountain without getting sprayed?
Now run for your life!!!!
That's my MAN! :)
Victoria hung with Danny!
Just a side note...not all fountain touching events were successful. Grant either wet his pants or got hit by the fountain....we're all hoping it was the latter!

July 2009 More doin's with W & A et al

Everyone needed a little down time after walking on the "wild" side at Vertical Ranch. So we just shut the kids in the toy room with Uncle Wade. (Andrea spent all of her time doing laundry! I know, I know...someone has to do it! She just made it possible for me to put it off for a few days. We hardly recognized them all cleaned up!)

After a rousing ride in the ducks Wade and Andrea met us at the space needle for lunch! I have to say....my selection was delicious!

Just a bit chilly and windy at the top!

After watching the table over from ours order dessert...Wade couldn't resist!
The boys were fascinated too!

I just had to include this one of Brett! He is totally cute!
We were sad to send them on their way back home! Come back again!

July 2009 Vertical Ranch

Welcome to Vertical Ranch!
The Wade and Andrea clan visited WA and Vertical Ranch was the first stop! Brian also flew in...seeing us once a year is just not enough! I'll only throw in pictures so you can see the whole crew. There were so many cameras going the whole time that often I didn't bother to take ours out. Shame on me!!!

We'll begin with a picture of Uncle Gentry. Wait a minute...that's Joe wearing the infamous Gentry hat!

One of the few pictures caught of the ever elusive Uncle Gentry. Brett latched onto him pretty quick. Uncle Gentry is definitely a favorite with the younger crowd.
Luke and Uncle Wade riding 3 wheelers! A favorite Vertical Ranch pastime.

Another of Luke (and Joe) with dessert!
Uncle Wade eating dessert uncooked.
Uncle Brian surrounded by rocks just waiting to be explored!

Grant, Micah and Victoria riding the pond rapids!
Joe waking up for a breakfast of biscuits and gravy!
My beautiful Sis-in-laws...Andrea and Elaine!

Troy had a lot of help when it came to making ice cream!
The two best buds ever! Brett and Danny.
These two liked to hang out at the water jug and help each other get water. One would hold the cup while they other pushed the button!
A typical scene at Vertical Ranch.

I don't think I ever saw Micah and Grant a part except maybe when they were going to the bathroom....ummm..that totally came out wrong....I want it to be clear that I never saw them go to the bathroom...oh, never mind! Let's just say that they hung out a lot!

I, of course, do not have any pictures of me....but I was there! I wouldn't have missed it for anything! :) Thanks Gentry and Elaine for hosting! Next time we should definitely bring more food! *grin (Uncle Ryan and Aunt Jennifer....the view from the potty is not to be missed! You should come some time!)