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Friday, December 14, 2007

Too much excitement!

Yesterday ended up being a different day then we imagined. The afternoon before, Danny had been quite a bit more fussy, had a low grade fever, and had weird swelling around his eye. It actually looked like he had a black eye but instead it was just red. The eyeball itself looked fine. Anyway, yesterday morning we were suppose to head down to Porsche's to make cookies. The van was packed with a tub of ingredients, my pans, and my mixer. Well I made a quick call to Danny's Doctor's office and spoke with the triage nurse who said, "we'll get you at 9:15." So we loaded up (Joe still in his PJ's) and went straight there thinking that we'd leave for Porsche's right after the appointment. When we saw the doctor, he said, "you need to take him to the ER right away." Thus cookie making was canceled, Joe was dropped off at Aunt Ginny's house where Grandma was babysitting and Danny and I took off for Evergreen Hospital. When we arrived we got moved right along: paperwork to the triage nurses, to a room, and rather then meeting with the ER doctor a pediatric doctor checked Danny out. So the long and the short of it is Danny has an infection called preorbital cellulitis. Which means he's got an skin infection in front of his eye. The concern is that the infection could spread behind the eye to the brain, so they did a spinal tap to get a sample of spinal fluid...only they couldn't get it to work, but wow did Danny scream. They then moved us upstairs to a room and they took Danny away to do some blood work. Danny later got some shots of antibiotic and pretty much we just hung out. We were told we'd be here a minimum of 1 night. Aunt Elaine came to visit bearing food and other good things. Troy and Joe visited that night, that came with the excitement of Joe pulling the HELP cord in the bathroom and causing the nurses to come running. The rest of the night was uneventful, Danny was very sleepy after his tramatizing day and so he only woke up a few times. Right now, I'm just waiting for breakfast and for the nurses to do a check up on Danny. I'll keep you posted!


Brent and Dayla said...

Oh my word! Poor baby....and our sympathy to mommy & daddy, too! Danny, we hope all the tests comes back okay & that your sharp mom caught the infection at the earliest stage. Take care, sweet baby! Love, Brent, Dayla, & Marissa

Hilary said...

Poor everybody is right! Jan & I winced & cringed when we read about that awful spinal tap business :( We're thinking of you & sending happy, hopeful thoughts your way! Love, JM & H

GIEJ Long said...

We are so sorry for these bad news and hope that little Daniel will be perfectly well at the end of his treatment.
I simpathise with him and I can also understand what the parents feel in experiences like this. I am a parent too and I would choose if possible to have 100 X more pain than to see my baby suffer. We all think of you!
Love, Ivona, Gordon and Emily