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Friday, February 29, 2008

Have a Great Day!

We will not let our colds get us down!!!! But we are sick and tired of being sick and tired!! I am getting stir crazy as my only outings in the last 10 days have been to the Doctor. How lame is that?!


Pharmgirl said...

I've been to the hospital two days in a row -- guess I'm at least getting out. ;-) Thank goodness they pay me for being there! haha

Hilary said...

Missed you on Sunday & Wednesday! Get better soon!!

Kate said...

I'm sorry you guys are sick! It looks so sunny and warm where you are at too!!! I hope you are better soon so you can enjoy it. We are all well, but the large snow drifts and snowstorms are blocking my way from town. ;)
Oh well, I better not complain or else I will end up "sick and tired!"
PS The cute picture made my day!!!

Brent and Dayla said...

I can only imagine (and hope it does not become our own reality) of having to be so sick with such a nasty winter virus. We think of you often & we are hoping everyone's immune systems are on the mend in super fast speed mode! Get well soon!!!!! Dayla

GIEJ Long said...

Sorry to hear you are sick! You must have sent it through your comment on our blog, as I got sick today too. Ha ha! Hope I won't pass it to my babies...
Look forward to meet you! My sister and one of the kids will be here for another month, so you'll see them some time. She wants to see you too.