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Friday, February 22, 2008

Time for Tea!

Grandma Wandler outdid herself this time!!!

Joe was invited over for Tea at Grandma's. Also invited were Samantha and Mircea. The girls' arrived in their princess dresses. Joe came dressed in a cowboy's finest! They all played til Grandma came in bearing a tray of goodies and then it got really serious. They all sat so nicely at the table and watched Grandma pass out the treats/tea intently. Samantha was the host and kept the conversation going: "Joe, stop it, we pray first!" "Joe! that's my muffin!" "I need to pour some tea for Mircea too." "Grandma, Joe took a bite out of my muffin!" "I'll pour you more tea."

Joe spent most of his time sampling the tea. It must have been delicious. He kept Samantha busy pouring. (No spills!!)
Mircea dressed in a princess skirt (skirts are her clothing of choice!) Her hair was done up in two french braids...which I should have probably pictured here...but I just love how delicately she is holding her spoon and what a dainty bite...soooo princess like *grin!! But it did get the job done with no spills (I know, I keep saying "no spills" but it is pretty amazing to have one 3 year old and two 2 year olds and NO spills!)
Tea is good! Come on over and have some!!! (Princess dress or Cowboy boots not required!)


Anonymous said...

what a wonderful time for us and the grandchildren.


ALB said...

What a special grandma! I love the facial expressions of the kids...to cute!

Lainey said...

It was fun to get a preview the other day but it looks even better on your blog! :) Gram/Gramps W. make me want to be a little girl all over again.

Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

Wow, everyone needs a Grandma Wandler! These pics are adorable!!! Although macho Joe at age 17 may be embarrassed at having been so involved in this pretty tea party ... at least he wore his cowboy duds instead of his English gentleman's attire ...