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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Grandpa and Grandma Wandler surprised their grandkids with their own scooter or tricycle. What fun! I don't know who was more excited Grandpa or the kids! Who knew they made them this small. They all already had their "hats." Joe and Mircea haven't quite figured out how to pedal and steer but it will come in time.

We never got such neat things when we were little...but as my dad says, "we like these kids more!!!"

Joe even already crashed! He got a nice bloody lip and Grandma began to worry that maybe these weren't the best gifts. *grin


Lainey said...

Ahhh...dat is so cute! But I am pretty sure our gift is heavier, and hotter! Its awesome! Thanks Grandpa and Grandma W!

Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

Adorable! Poor Danny got left out though,no trike for him ...

ALB said...

How exciting...a trike! Expect wipe outs, cuts, bruises,blood. He is a Burgess you know!

Pharmgirl said...

Will you be needing some tylenol for christmas? :-) can't wait to see everyone next week. Hope you're having fun in Colorado!

Derek said...

Awesome gifts- bikes are the best :)