Here I am with Danny. Aren't we cute! *grin
I've actually tried to publish this the last several days and for some reason it is not working! Aaaaaaargh!
I really have wanted to update my/our blog but life seems to do a great job at giving me other things to least I'm not bored! I won't blog you down (hee hee)with every day...walking, trips to the store, visits to grandma and grandpa, babysitting friends and cousins, birthday parties etc.... just a very few of the highlights (good and bad)!
Nothing like a little dogfood to get your saliva going!
The ice cream was nice n hot w/ a hint of roasted garlic! *yum
The sweetest peas and carrots out there! (Actually, they were a bit minty.)

Danny developed some breathing issues which is never good cause, well, breathing is important. So Danny, my dad, and I spent every day the next week at the doctor's office. We luckily stayed out of the hospital even with low 2 sats. Grandma and Grandpa pretty much drove up every day to help out. Grandma would take care of Joe while Grandpa would go see the doctor with us. It is very tiring going to the doctor...then there is the not sleeping well cause you keep waking up to listen to his breathing. Troy had taken off Friday and Monday and we were going to go to Spokane for the wknd but with the breathing issues we stayed home instead. The good news is that he is doing great now. We're hoping he just had bronchitis and not beginning of asthma or allergies.

I'm just putting in this picture...cause he's so cute! (and this is my blog so I can do what I want!!)
I've actually tried to publish this the last several days and for some reason it is not working! Aaaaaaargh!
I really have wanted to update my/our blog but life seems to do a great job at giving me other things to least I'm not bored! I won't blog you down (hee hee)with every day...walking, trips to the store, visits to grandma and grandpa, babysitting friends and cousins, birthday parties etc.... just a very few of the highlights (good and bad)!
Here's the scoop:
April 1: my favorite holiday next to Thanksgiving! We had our annual dinner party...this year with a few fewer guests. Unfortunately all the whoopi cushions were deployed before people arrived due to Joe finding them all!
Appetizer: Dogfood
Main Dish: Pie and ice cream
peas and carrots
Dessert: Dirt
I think I at least fooled those under 2! *grin I'd tell you more, but I hate to tell all of my secrets...cause who knows...maybe I'll invite you next year!?
Hilary with her "silverware."

Jan with dessert/table flower arrangement. That Friday we had a grand ol time over at Jayden and Liam's house. Yumna planned a fun play date as well as a goodbye to Ligia (Ivona's sister) who was here for the last month or so and who would be going home Sunday. We have had such a fabulous time getting to know her!
Here's a picture of some of the kids there and the grand ol mess they made!

Danny developed some breathing issues which is never good cause, well, breathing is important. So Danny, my dad, and I spent every day the next week at the doctor's office. We luckily stayed out of the hospital even with low 2 sats. Grandma and Grandpa pretty much drove up every day to help out. Grandma would take care of Joe while Grandpa would go see the doctor with us. It is very tiring going to the doctor...then there is the not sleeping well cause you keep waking up to listen to his breathing. Troy had taken off Friday and Monday and we were going to go to Spokane for the wknd but with the breathing issues we stayed home instead. The good news is that he is doing great now. We're hoping he just had bronchitis and not beginning of asthma or allergies.
Here he is 2 days before he had difficulty breathing.

Danny with his cousin Alex who is just one month younger than him.
Other than that we've been enjoying the ever changing weather...sun, rain, sleet, snow, hail, thunder, lightening, you name it....we've had it! (and usually all of it in one day.)
Joe's had several days where his cousin Samantha came over to play!
Shelley- Here Danny is doing his "cousin Chet face!" *grin He doesn't quite get the great smirk but it is close!!
...and now you are at the bottom of the post. :) Have a nice day!

Hey Beth! You look great!! Whatever you're doing is working fast! ;-)
That's rotten news about Danny's breathing trouble - Carson's a little wheezer too :-( I wonder what is going on. Keep us updated~
Yay for updates! And thank you again for the April Fool's dinner. We had loads of fun!
Thanks for the updated blog. We love to see how the boys are doing. I think Danny maybe will be a mechanic or plumber...they sometimes have trouble with their pants slipping down and showing their crack! He's cute front & is Joe. I loved Joe on the trampoline.
Dad Burgess
I now have a new favorite photo of Danny! Too bad for him that his mom is so handy with the camera and often has a wise crack....
Great photo's Beth! I especially like the last one of Daniel! :)
These pictures of your little boys are so is your sense of humor with the conclusion of your post! .... also your April Fool's menu...I can't quite figure out the peas and carrots, though. Minty, aye? .... what are those little round orange thingys??
You can order peas and carrots candy...we discovered that they are NOT very tasty...kinda minty tasting. I make better tasting and looking ones out of starbursts but it takes forever!
I loved the pictures, from the top to the bottom :-)
Hey Beth!your boys are very nice and funny.
Ummm...did I know you are the mommy of 2 (adorable) little boys? I did not! How are you, long lost friend? Fun catching an update--just wanted to say Hi!
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