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Monday, July 7, 2008

Vertical Ranch

We pulled out our old Kit Companion trailer, stocked her up and cleaned her up and headed for the hills for 5 days. Gent, Elaine, Victoria and Grant invited us up to hang with them.

When we arrived here's how we found Joe. He'd just fallen into the pond and they put him into one of Grant's shirts. He loved it and refused to change into anything else!

Not sure the point of wearing rubber boots...but it sure was fun to watch Grant empty them out!

The water wasn't the clearest but it felt good.
Joe spent a lot of time climbing this rock throwing rocks and watching Grant and Victoria and then he would jump down and grab more rocks and climb back up. Danny had his own little cage area. Victoria joined him on more than one occasion. Doesn't she look great with all her new metal in her mouth?!

Janell joined in on the fun. She got to go on the first origami boat ride with the boys. Troy is taking the picture. The rest of us waited and waited and waited for Gentry to come back and get us.
Danny loved the three wheelers too!
Joe took a couple of spins with dad and Uncle Gentry. He loved climbing on it while it was parked. Vrooooom Vroooooooom ! Joe wearing Gentry's helmet. I think it fits him better. Janell joined in the fun too. Elaine set up a challenge I couldn't resist...she said it was impossible to get a good picture of her. I think this one looks great! I had a better one but she lives to close for me to post it! *grin
We ate very well...an important thing to do when camping.
Boys will be boys! Swinging WAAAAAAAAAAAY out! Bath time! Notice how similar the expressions are! *grinJoe doesn't fit in the tubs as well as Danny.
Danny loved being held by Victoria...check out his nice little spit bubble. *grin
We had a great time! Love the bathroom! You should invite yourself up!


ALB said...

What great pictures Beth! Looks like a fun time...the steaks look awesome, I could have one right about now.:) The boys are getting so big & of course as cute as ever!

GIEJ Long said...

You really had fun. Great pictures of the kids and all of you! Isn't our generation lucky with digital cameras? ;-)
Good to keep posted with your news.

Kate said...

I have enjoyed all of your new posts! My computer is finally working, and now I can catch up on the blogs. Lately, I have had to post down at George and Susie's house! :)

VJ said...

Hey! U should come up again! I love the pic of Dannie taking a bath!

Lainey said...

That was so much fun, lets do it again!

Kent, Melisa,Tiana (and Coda) said...

How fun to see these pictures! I haven't stopped by in awhile. Was good to see you the other day at Elaine's, too. Oh, and TAG! You're it! Tell us 7 things about you and pass it on!

Lainey said...

I've tagged you too...how many friends do they expect me to have? :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the photos....it is time for you to update your blog! Thanks for a good time with you and the boys in WA & the Vertical Ranch. Lots of love,

Dad Burgess