It isn't summer time unless you spend time at all the great parks in the area! Lucky for us we could join cousins and friends for some great times! These are in no particular order...just a few of the fun times we had with our friends!
Samantha, Alex and Carson!

Madison and Danny

Samantha and Joe

Victoria and Carson

Watch out!

On this particular day....the moon was out too!

Playing in the sand! (Life Jackets from Grandma!)

Love the wet times at Idylwood park!

Grass Lawn park is another favorite!

This swing is the best!

Danny is always making friends! If I remember right, he was told, "the doggy will give you a kiss" and so he leaned right in!

Joe surveying the scene from the top of the castle. This park is just a nice walk from our house.

Danny likes to go FAAAAAAST down the slides!

Farrell McWhirter Park...the kids love seeing the cows.

Victoria taking care of Danny.

Carsen and Joe catching the water at the water park in Bellevue! We definitely did not visit this park enough!