Joe has a _______!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Happy Holidays!

Sunday Meeting @ the Snows!
Friday, December 14, 2007
We're home!
We got to come home today!!! The doctors prescribed an oral antibiotic that only has to be taken once a day for 10 days. The swelling around Danny's eye went down quite a bit since last night and it isn't as red anymore. Joe was thrilled when we walked in the door. He'd been telling Grandma quite a bit about Danny. She said he also found one of Danny's pacifiers and he held it up and said "Danny's!" then put it in his mouth and said, "Mmmmm." What a goof! The nurses at Evergreen took really good care of us but "there is no place like home!"
Too much excitement!
Yesterday ended up being a different day then we imagined. The afternoon before, Danny had been quite a bit more fussy, had a low grade fever, and had weird swelling around his eye. It actually looked like he had a black eye but instead it was just red. The eyeball itself looked fine. Anyway, yesterday morning we were suppose to head down to Porsche's to make cookies. The van was packed with a tub of ingredients, my pans, and my mixer. Well I made a quick call to Danny's Doctor's office and spoke with the triage nurse who said, "we'll get you at 9:15." So we loaded up (Joe still in his PJ's) and went straight there thinking that we'd leave for Porsche's right after the appointment. When we saw the doctor, he said, "you need to take him to the ER right away." Thus cookie making was canceled, Joe was dropped off at Aunt Ginny's house where Grandma was babysitting and Danny and I took off for Evergreen Hospital. When we arrived we got moved right along: paperwork to the triage nurses, to a room, and rather then meeting with the ER doctor a pediatric doctor checked Danny out. So the long and the short of it is Danny has an infection called preorbital cellulitis. Which means he's got an skin infection in front of his eye. The concern is that the infection could spread behind the eye to the brain, so they did a spinal tap to get a sample of spinal fluid...only they couldn't get it to work, but wow did Danny scream. They then moved us upstairs to a room and they took Danny away to do some blood work. Danny later got some shots of antibiotic and pretty much we just hung out. We were told we'd be here a minimum of 1 night. Aunt Elaine came to visit bearing food and other good things. Troy and Joe visited that night, that came with the excitement of Joe pulling the HELP cord in the bathroom and causing the nurses to come running. The rest of the night was uneventful, Danny was very sleepy after his tramatizing day and so he only woke up a few times. Right now, I'm just waiting for breakfast and for the nurses to do a check up on Danny. I'll keep you posted!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
All together now!
Joe loves to play with Danny. Here he has made sure Danny isn't lonely. Usually he piles Danny high with trucks and books. YES, our boy plays with dolls! (don't want to hear any comments from the peanut gallery...boys can play with dolls with no adverse effects!)We got him one when Danny was born so he'd have a baby. He calls his baby "Danny" also, which makes things totally confusing at times. It totally has helped in learning to be gentle! The other bonus is we have dolls when little girls come over to play. The Kewpie doll I received when I turned one, the little small doll he got from his Aunt Lainey. Danny just isn't really interested at all. He puts up with a lot...that which doesn't kill you will only make you strong.
Danny is 2 months young!
Gotta add more pictures with Beth/mom! We never have very many with mom cause she usually is taking pictures of the kids with dad! We discovered this when Joe was born. Troy is doing a great job in trying to rectify the "problem" this time around. *grin I like to also think of these pictures as "before" pictures...gotta get off those baby pounds!! I just like Danny's droll expression in this first one...can't see me but it counts!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Check out this cutie pie. He's too cute for words! He is almost 2 months. It's hard to believe. Just look at those cheeks! Too bad I missed his grin.
And of course, I have to add one of us together.

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Saturday Snow

Beth T. dropped by to give a little something to the boys. Joe wasn't so interested in the cute matching outfits but he is loving the animals. He hasn't stopped playing with them yet.
Here he is saying "Hip-pooh."
It snowed around 5 inches while we hung out at Gordon and Ivona's celebrating Emily's 1st birthday! Emily really got into her cake. Yummy!

On the way home from the party, we couldn't make it up a steep hill and so we had to turn around and slide down. Luckily we didn't hit another car but we did hit the curb and did something to the wheel of my sable. Glad it wasn't my new van!
Sunday, we woke up to snow and rain. Joe still went outside with dad after meeting. Mom only braved the elements to take a few pictures. Unfortunately she didn't get a picture of their completed snowman. Maybe it will snow again?!

Here he is saying "Hip-pooh."

On the way home from the party, we couldn't make it up a steep hill and so we had to turn around and slide down. Luckily we didn't hit another car but we did hit the curb and did something to the wheel of my sable. Glad it wasn't my new van!
Sunday, we woke up to snow and rain. Joe still went outside with dad after meeting. Mom only braved the elements to take a few pictures. Unfortunately she didn't get a picture of their completed snowman. Maybe it will snow again?!

Saturday, December 1, 2007
Joe & Danny
Friday, November 30, 2007

Today, Joe and Danny went to "Bubby's" house (Joe's name for Samantha). Grandma Wandler and Aunt Porsche and Mircea met us there and Grandma took pictures of all the "grandchildren." They were all so serious and getting them to all face the same direction was like Steve says, "herding cats!" But we got 'er done. I'm betting Grandma will be up all night "cleaning up" the pictures.
We've finally taken the plunge and started a blog...not nearly as painful a plunge as buying a minivan. Repeat, I am not a soccer mom (yet).
Deciding on a figuring out a name has been the hardest part. Who would have guessed it'd be so difficult. Mr. B came through though and we think we've got the perfect one (for us). Just in time too, cause you so need to see this video.

Deciding on a figuring out a name has been the hardest part. Who would have guessed it'd be so difficult. Mr. B came through though and we think we've got the perfect one (for us). Just in time too, cause you so need to see this video.

Don't worry, he got right back on! The best part is that he figured it out himself. Don't know if he actually has seen someone ride a horse before except on Louis L'Amour book covers. The horse/unicorn used to be cousin Victoria's until she gave it to us to keep for little girls to play with. Ride 'Em Cowboy!
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