You just never know what a two year old will say. We (Joe, Danny, and I) were playing in the living room, Joe was swinging his sock monkey around and then stopped all of a sudden and said "oh no, Monkey pooped!" I said, "what?" knowing I must have heard wrong, but he repeated himself "monkey pooped" and pointed at the red bottom. Just as I was ready to laugh hysterically, he very seriously said, "monkey go to potty." So being a great mom, I held in my laughter (grabbed my camera) and headed off to the bathroom with Joe and the sock monkey. Joe couldn't figure out how to put monkey on the toilet without getting his tail in the bowl....so I got the lovely job of holding the Monkey on the "potty" then when he was "all done" Joe very carefully put down the lid and flushed the toilet! It's all in a day's work!
Oh, that cracks me up! So funny the things kids come up with :-) The highlights of our days as parents. I also love the photos of Joe & the girls having tea...those pictures are perfect & should be in a country magazine, priceless photos! Take care! Dayla
I love the minds of children! Maybe his monkey will help potty train him!:)
Tee hee! What a good mama you are to hold the monkey! :) Danny had to do the same thing with Derek's enormous yellow duck, although I think the duck was big enough to sit on its own without falling in :)
Aaah, so many delightful experiences I'm missing out on by being single. Haha! Unfortunately I don't get to skip out on all of them, as my name was yelled by a little voice across a large Montana sports store, and as soon as he saw me, he came running right at me yelling, "I p**ped my pants!" aaack! I didn't have a diaper, wipes, or even a cell phone on me to call for backup. So I did what any smart aunt would've done... waddled him over to his daddy and let him deal with the situation while I "tried on clothes' ;-)
It was so great to see your comment this morning on my blog! We are in the potty training stage right now too!!! This morning Fischer actually told me ahead of time, and then went in the potty. It was such a celebration because lately he has been telling me after the fact. I have a video of Fischer wiping his "poopy antelope." I guess that I what you get with a little boy growing up on a ranch. I will have to post it on the blog so you can see it! I know you will get a kick out of it. I will add you to my blog right now. I am looking forward to peeking in on your world from now on!!!
OK..so the theory here is "monkey see...monkey do" right? Good luck...whatever works on the potty training front is genius. You think, there is no hope, this kid just doesn't get it. Then one day you find (hopefully before kindergarden) that they have it mastered...until the second childhood at least.
Dad Burgess
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