Joe has just finished giving Danny a "smooch" on the cheek. It must have been a good one!
Here Troy has quite the lapful with Samantha, Mircea and Joe. Brayden is checking out things from the side. We love books at this house!!
We celebrated "2nd Birthdays" with the families from our birth class and Evergreen Baby Group at the Gymboree in Redmond. It was so much fun to see how much all the kids have grown. There are two more babies expected this spring.
Another case of "Mommy, Mommy, cheeeeeeeese!"
(Meaning: Take our picture...we're being cute!"
We got some snow!
Here is a fabulous snowman creation by Grant! (complete with hair!) Joe helped by getting in the way, picking up all fallen coffee beans, wandering off so Grant has to chase him etc. What a good team effort!You know your Auntie loves you when she makes you Hot Chocolate! Doesn't Joe look fabulous with a moustache? (just like Grandpa W.)
When you open the door to the just never know what you will find!Joe finished up his last day at Little Gym last week. We hope to "do it again," but have decided to do only one activity at a time. (learned from Beth's helps with family saneness). It has been fun to watch his growth in walking on the balance beam, jumping, swinging on bars, somersaults etc.
Joe's New Year Resolution is to learn to swim!! He is loving it!
And here to end proof I did get some sleep this month. *grin
Great to see all the fun pictures! I can't believe how big Daniel has gotten in a month. Keep feeding him that great power drink that makes him grow! :)
This is how I "slept" this morning (very early) when Jonathan decided it was more comfortable to sleep like this than in his crib. :-)
All pictures are very nice!
Great pictures! Of course I am especially fond of the little cowboy with the chocolate moustache. Good looking and good tasting! Thanks for sharing the one of Grant,Joe and the tall white guy too, (he really needs to do something about that nose!) I stole it for my shutterfly album!
Very cute Joe! i love the pic of Joe and Dannie!
I may be a little late...but just checked in and saw some neat pictures of the family. Joe, Dan, Troy & the crew look like "Life is Good"! And it is, you know?
Dad Burgess
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