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Sunday, October 12, 2008


So blogger didn't post them in the order that I published but did it backward *groan...so you get to see the party in reverse!   Oh well...


Renee said...

Wow, Beth, this is a fun fun post. The piggy party looked like a blast, and I loved your invitations...your creative gene was doing it's job!! The piggy tail was just perfect...I had noticed it before I read about it! Well, your little boys are so lucky to have a Mommy that goes to so much work to make their birthdays special..and it is so fun to celebrate it with friends and family. Did you know we got to attend lots of Jennifer's birthday parties as she was growing up, and it was pretty special! A very fun update on your very outdated blog!! Tee hee...I'd been checking in now and then!!

Roger said...

Thanks for the update...sorry to have missed the party. My day wasn't near as much fun. This is my first e-mail since my operation(s). I just haven't been up to it. I think I'making progress, but it is tough and slow...enough bad stuff. Give he boys a hug for me. Thanks for blessing us with a couple more boys!


Dad Burgess

Hilary said...

That cake was PERFECT!! I'm putting in my order now for an alligator cake in May, thank you very much :) :)

GIEJ Long said...

We want new pictures!!!