At the beginning of September, we left for York to catch convention there. Troy hadn't been there for I think 12 years. It was so much fun to see those we know and for me to meet people whom I had only heard stories about! Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera to the grounds so I have no pictures....but lots of good memories! We stayed at Troy's folks' house and "commuted" back and forth to convention. I had never done that was like being at a five star resort! :) Besides the wonderful meetings and fellowship the memorable moments would include...forever losing Danny (ie he'd just take off and by sheer luck never thought of hiding in the corn rows), the kids playing with the baskets of trucks outside the meeting barn, Grandpa B. introducing Joe to NE mud (as if a kid needs to be introduced *grin), the rainy weather...lucky me...I didn't have to die from heat, and fresh tomatoes served just about every meal! Thank you Mom and Dad B. for inviting us over! We had a fabulous time!

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