This year the "other" B Household invited us over for Thanksgiving! We couldn't refuse! :)
Here are two of the pilgrims that joined us!

Here are our lovely hosts!

The table was a work of art...should have been no surprise there with Elaine in charge! Each setting had a male or female pilgrim holding a name plate. Troy's was a pilgrim in a tux! Not only is the presentation awesome but the food...... YUMMMMMMMMMM!

Bring on the food!

Joining in were the Brent and Dayla family. Can't believe I didn't get any pictures of Dayla. She of course was everywhere helping out. I don't think Joe would have gotten any food without her.
Joe was thrilled to find out that Kylie and Marissa were going to be there.

And of course such charming smiles on the boys' faces!

Danny's favorite part was the whipping cream!

Joe decorated a cookie for his daddy. (He couldn't let Marissa out do him!)

Thanks Gentry and ELAINE for the wonderful time! Everything was delicious.
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