Troy and I believe in Love and Logic techniques/philosophy in raising responsible kids. Dayla talked me into taking a 5 week love and logic course with was fabulous! We learned so much, we thought it would be fun to have our husbands take a course. Thus the 3 hour seminar came into being. Liann Smith was our Fabulous instructor! This of course snowballed into...let's invite others to join in on the fun. then....let's make getting a babysitter easier...all the kids can go to Troy and Beth's house and all the parents can go take the seminar at Brent and Dayla's cabana...and so....
At Troy and my house was:
19 kids under age 5
Babysitters: Deanna, Kyleah, Victoria, and Lisa
2 crazy "adults": Doreen and Reid
a totally wild time!
(our house was still standing when we got guess the only real chaos was getting those parents out of there!)
Everyone had a great time. The adults learned some great techniques and got some time away from their kids. Doreen and Reid will probably wait a little longer to have their own kids. The babysitters most likely slept in the next morning. The kids had a great time! *grin
I didn't get any good pics...but if you check Brent and Dayla's blog...she probably did. The video below is just a sampling of the chaos. :)

Really to me the best part was that their was a kid that peed on the carpet!--and it was your kid! grin! Such a relief to the rest of us! It was a fun evening!
Well, it seems like a good time was least by the parents...However, I'm not sure classes can replace common sense parenting techniques. The children need to learn what is acceptable and not acceptable and at times dicipline is necessary to make sure they understand where the lines are drawn. It takes consistant work on the part of the parents to be sure they understand what is expected. Parenting requires a lot of energy and effort on the part of the parents.
They don't grow up into responsible adults by osmosis!
Dad Burgess
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